Day 1 (6/14)

Day 1 (6/14)- Drive to Cincinnati, Cincinnati

We left for the trip today and began our 6 ½ hour drive to Cincinnati. Twenty minutes into the first trip, we realized Ada forgot her camera and we had to turn around. Just less than an hour in, we stopped for lunch just before we entered West Virginia(Capital: Charleston Abbreviation: WV. I haven’t forgotten my education!). The drive is pretty long but not horrible(except for tolls. Luckily we have EZ-Pass. There are some pretty views. We arrived in Cincinnati around 5:00 pm. We then met my parent’s friend’s dad for dinner and ice cream. We went to Montgomery Inn for ribs and they were delicious. It was the best ribs I have had in my life. Then we went back to the friend’s dad’s house and went on a rooftop deck overlooking the city and ate ice cream (also delicious). We then went back to the hotel for a good night’s sleep.

Left to Right: Eating ribs at the Montgomery Inn, Ada and I in front of the Cincinnati skyline, WV state capitol building in Charleston, WV, Downtown Charleston, WV, Cincinnati, OH skyline, Cincinnati, OH skyline