Day 2 (6/15)- Cincinnati, Drive to Chicago, Chicago

This morning we went for a 2.5 mile run along the Ohio River as a family. The weather was good and the city and river views were amazing. After breakfast and packing we started driving to stop number 2. Chicago. The drive was supposed to take 5 hours. Then there was terrible weather throughout the drive and we stood in standstill traffic for about half an hour before we took an exit to get around it. We finally arrived after about a 6 hour drive (All pictures I found were off the web. I couldn’t get any good pictures in the bad weather). About an hour longer than it was originally supposed to be. We checked into the hotel and watched golf for a little while before going to see my dad’s friends the Harris’s. They had a ten year old named Will, an eight year old named Emmett, and a six year old name Sam. Ada and I hung out with Will most of the time. After about four hours at their house we went back to the hotel to get some rest after gaining an hour going from ET to CT.

Left to Right: In center is Willis Tower (tallest building in US), Willis Tower Shrouded in fog as we saw it, Lake Michigan in front of Chicago, Downtown Chicago with Lake Michigan in the background