Day 24 (7/7)- Seattle

This morning we had an early wake up to watch the Women’s World Cup Final between the USA and Netherlands. The US won 2-0. After watching that we took the bus into the city and ate lunch at a restaurant in downtown called Ben Paris. It was delicious. After that we went to the Pike Public Market. There were so many people. There was a fish market where they throw fish. It was cool. After we had some delicious donuts we went to the Ballard Locks where ships come in and out. It was really cool. We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant before watching more Return of the King before going to bed.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments if you leave me a few yourself.

Left to right: the Dam at Ballard Locks, Boats getting lined up in the lock, a Coast Guard boat going through the lock, and Salmon going up the fish ladder at the locks.