Day 27 (7/10) - Vancouver, Whale-Watching Ferry to Victoria, Victoria

We got up early to catch our ferry to get to Victoria. We left Vancouver on Prince of Whales’ Salish Sea Dream around 8:30 AM. It was very foggy so we saw nothing until we made it to a spot south of Victoria. We saw a pod of killer whales (also known as orcas), hunting a porpoise. We saw them from a distance at first, but then they turned straight towards our boat, one even came up right against it. It was awesome. After arriving in Victoria we went to our hotel before going to lunch at a place called John’s Place. After that we walked around until it started raining. We went to dinner at the restaurant Ferris’. It was good. After blogging, journaling, showering, etc, we finally went to bed.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me a few yourself.

Video of killer whales hunting porpoise (cannot see porpoise).

Left to Right: The ferry we took, map of our ferry route, Orcas, bald eagles, seals