Day 34 (7/17) - Eureka, Drive to San Francisco, San Francisco

We had to wake up relatively early to eat breakfast so we could take Ada to Stanford Field Hockey Camp. I had an apple fritter. We left around 8:25 to go to Palo Alto, just outside San Francisco, where Stanford is. We stopped for lunch at a fast food place called In-N-Out-Burger. It is just west coast so you can’t find one in North Carolina, or Virginia, or New York, etc. It was really good, not just for fast food, it was really good. We got to Stanford around 2:00 and walked around campus for a while. It was really cool. We dropped her off and said goodbye before getting snacks at a place called Gotts. Afterwards we drove to our Airbnb in Alameda, an island in the San Francisco Bay. We had dinner at a place called Stars and got delicious pizza. We went back and blogged and journaled before going to bed.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me a few yourself.

Left to Right: Driving over the Golden Gate Bridge, the Memorial Church at Stanford, the Hoover Bell Tower