Days 14-20 (9/9-9/15) - Wanaka, Dunedin

Day 14 - Wanaka                                                                                                                                              This morning we woke up and hung around the house while we watched some college football action After lunch at the house we went to the town and walked around. I bought a cool hat. We walked around a little more before going back to the place and watching Iron Man 2. We had soup for dinner before journaling and going to bed.

Day 15 - Wanaka, Drive to Dunedin, Dunedin                                                                                             This morning we got up and packed before starting the 3 hour drive to Dunedin. We got there and went on a tour of a yellow-eyed penguin sanctuary. The guide said we would be lucky to see three,  but we saw 6 total. We also saw fur seals and blue penguins. After that cool tour we went to our hotel and found a place for dinner. Dad and I split and awesome steak before going to bed.

Day 16 - Dunedin, Drive to Wanaka, Wanaka.                                                                                              This morning we hung in our room before going to breakfast. I got a pretty good eggs benedict. After breakfast we walked down to the famous railway station, the most photographed building in New Zealand. Inside was the New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame. It was cool. We walked around a little before driving to the Museum of Otago. The most interesting things to me were the Maori artifacts. The Maori are the native people who came from other islands in the pacific. After that we drove to the top of final hill and got a great view. After that we drove back Wanaka and had dinner before going to bed.

Day 17 - Wanaka                                                                                                                                             This morning we did more schoolwork before we went to the park in the afternoon. Dad and I threw baseball while Ada did field hockey. We hung around the house the entire rest of the day and didn’t do much before we went to bed.  

Day 18 - Wanaka                                                                                                                                               This morning we again had school all morning. In the afternoon however, we went to the rec center where Dad and I shot hoops while Ada did field hockey. We finished up there and went to dinner where I got really good ribs. After that we went to the house and journaled before going to bed.

Day 19 - Wanaka                                                                                                                                               We got up and hung around the house the entire morning. Later we walked around town where we got awesome ice cream. After a good dinner, we watched the goonies before we went to bed again.

Day 20 - Wanaka                                                                                                                                              We woke up and watched Wake hopefully beat up on the Tar Heels (sorry Noah). We were winning 21-0 at halftime, but they came back. We hung on and won 24-18. After that game we went to a brewery and then a winery before we wen to the grocery store. After that we made steak for dinner. It was good. After that we had to go to bed.

Left to Right: Yellow-eyed penguins, yellow-eyed penguin, fur seals, Dunedin railway station, view from top of signal hill