Days 36-42 (10/1-10/7) - Wellington

Day 36 - Wellington We woke up on our first full day in Wellington, and the North Island and got breakfast at a place called sweet mother´s kitchen. The food was New Orleans Style food and I got french toast. After going by the grocery store we hung around the house before walking to the top of Mount Victoria. At the top of the hill there is a really good view of the city and Wellington Harbor. Dinner closed out the day when we got back down.

Day 37 - Wellington The morning meant tons of schoolwork for Ada and I and it was not fun at all. We literally hung around the house all day. Pasta and TV preceded going to bed on an empty day.

Day 38 - Wellington We got up and had breakfast before walking to a film location from the Lord of the Rings. If you haven watched the movies, I have posted a clip of the scene from the Fellowship of the Ring (the first movie) below. Mom, Ada and I ran down by the waterfront before more schoolwork. We finished that and watched TV before bed.

Day 39 - Wellington After waking up we did schoolwork all morning before taking the bus to the parliament building that they call, the beehive. We walked around the and went into a few shops before going to a bakery where I got one of the best cookies I have ever had in my life. We got Vietnamese food for dinner to close out the day.

Day 40 - Wellington We got up and had french toast for breakfast before going on another run by the water. We took the Wellington Cable car to the botanic gardens up on another hill and walking around there. We stopped at a brewery and grocery store before dinner and bed.

Day 41 - Wellington The morning yielded to Mom getting me new shoes. I did some boring school and watched TV the rest of the day before we went to bed.

Day 42 - Wellington We walked to a farmers market in the morning and got a bunch of stuff before going to a park where Dad and I threw baseball before we went back and hung around all day. We had dinner and watched TV before closing out our first full week in the town they call Windy Welly.

Left to Right: View from top of cable car, the beehive, the cook strait from Mount Victoria, downtown Wellington from Mount Victoria