Days 51-54 (8/3-8/6) - Denver

Day 51 - Denver                                                                                                                             This morning we woke up and Eleanor, David, Dad, Ada, Dad’s friend Patch, and I went for a run around Washington Park, a total of 2.5 miles. That was fun, and afterwards Zoe wanted us to make chocolate with her. We did, and it turned out tasting really good. We made seven flavors: plain, pretzel, apple pie, sea salt caramel, jelly, peanut butter, and peanut butter and jelly. After that we drove to the pool where we all swam a while before we played some tennis. I haven’t played a lot but was pretty good and had a lot of fun. We finished that and went back to their house where we said bye to Patch before we played games that night and made delicious grilled chicken and turkey burgers, before going to bed. 

Day 52 - Denver                                                                                                                             After waking up we hung around in the morning and got ready for Zoe’s 6th birthday party. People started arriving around 11:00 and there was a massive bounce house. Dad and I wrestled and it ended up being a “fight”. After the party, we played a lot of Mario Kart before having a “game olympics”. Afterwards we went to bed.

Day 53 - Denver                                                                                                                        After waking up we woke up and walked to eat a delicious breakfast at a bakery called Devil’s Food. I got an awesome donut. Afterwards we hung around the house before Mom, Dad, Ada and I drove to the Denver Central Market where we got a really good lunch and ice cream. After that we went back and picked up Eleanor to go to a climbing gym called Uber Grippen. It was awesome. After that we played Mario Kart and Catan before going to bed.

Day 54 - Denver, Drive to Kansas City, Kansas City                                                                   We woke up and packed up before saying goodbye to the Ekedahls and got on the road to Kansas City. We finished up the almost 9 hour drive to Kansas City and met our cousin Leanne and had dinner before swimming in her pool and then going to bed.

Left to Right: Eleanor, Ada and I climbing, our ice cream at Denver Central Market, Mile High Stadium, home of the Denver Broncos, truck in a army convoy we passed while in Kansas