New Zealand Days 1-5 (8/26-8/31) - Hawaii

Day 1 - Fly to Hawaii We had to get up at 4:30 this morning to get to the airport. we got on our 7:30 am flight to LA and landed 6 hours later. After a quick layover we got on the flight to Hawaii and landed there after another 6 hours. We saw my Aunt Sheryl and our cousin Josh before driving to our airbnb. We got there and went to the beach and snorkeled which was awesome. After that we went to dinner at a place called the Beach House. It was delicious. After that we went to bed.

Day 2 - Hawaii We woke up and got breakfast at a place called the Countryside Cafe. I got churro waffles. They were so good. After that we did a shot hike to the top of Gorilla Mountain. The views were awesome. After that we went to the beach and snorkeled again. We saw three sea turtles and they were big. It was awesome. After that we went and stand up paddleboarded at Pokai Bay. It was fun. After that we went to dinner with Aunt Sheryl, Josh, and my Uncle Dave. We ate at a place called Monkeypod which was great. After that we went to bed.

Day 3 - Hawaii This morning we woke up and got on the road to Pearl Harbor. We stopped for quick breakfast but afterwards arrived at the National Memorial. We began with boat tour because the USS Arizona memorial was closed due to damage to the dock. On the boat we saw the memorial and the battleship USS Missouri. After that we went to the gift shop and walked through a museum which was interesting. After that we went to lunch at a place called Restaurant 604. I had an awesome burger. After that we met Uncle Dave at Navy Marine Golf Course. He was the pro there and when we played with him he played good. I played ok and shot a 103. After that we went back to the airbnb and snacked and packed before bed.

Day 4-5 - Fly to New Zealand Again we had to get up early to catch our early plane. We boarded to Auckland and I just watched TV until we got there. We went through customs before getting on the 2 hour flight to Queenstown. When we arrived we drove to our house in Wanaka and immediately went to bed, even though it was 35 degrees outside.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me a few yourself.

Left to Right: At terminal about to board flight to Hawaii, my churro waffles, view from gorilla mountain, the USS Missouri and USS Arizona memorial