Day 7 (6/20)-Badlands, Drive to Keystone, Keystone

We got the day started well, if you count getting everything packed and ready in less than 30 minutes. We drove the short distance to Badlands National Park, our first of seven on the trip. After driving around we started a ten mile hike. It was great, but the thing is, it’s South Dakota. AKA, a huge rock or big fields of grass everywhere you look. One more thing. RATTLESNAKES. We saw at least five signs saying, BEWARE: RATTLESNAKES. My mom thinks she heard one at the very end but we didn’t see any. After the park we went to Wall Drug, which is more like a mall than a drug store, and got delicious milkshakes. After the hour long drive to Keystone we went to dinner where I tried Buffalo for the first time. It was VERY good. After words we had to go to bed.

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Left to Right: Looking out over Badlands, Looking out over Badlands, Field in front of ridge, Me in front of big rock