Day 8 (6/21) - Mount Rushmore, Custer State Park, Drive to Casper, Casper

We got up this morning and packed up to leave again. Before heading out however, we played a game of pool. Kids Vs. Adults. The adults won in a close game. We started driving for Mount Rushmore and arrived about 6 minutes after leaving. It was smaller than I expected but was still awesome. In a building we saw a family sitting on a bench, all on their PHONES. ON THEIR PHONES AT A NATIONAL MEMORIAL. After leaving we went to Custer State Park. It was also cool. We did a wildlife loop and saw TONS of buffalo. After that we started driving to Casper, Wyoming. We’re staying at a hotel with 4 hot tubs and a big indoor pool. After dinner I finished this up before going to bed before 11:00 our time for the first time in almost a week.

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Left to Right: Me in front of Mount Rushmore, Mount Rushmore, Herd of Buffalo in Custer State Park, Burros (donkeys) in Custer State Park