Day 9 (6/22) - Casper, Drive to Jackson, Jackson

The day started with breakfast, as usual. Afterwards we left again. This time moving towards a hump in our trip. The Rocky Mountains. About 3 hours into the 4 and a half hour drive we saw the Teton Mountains, part of the Rockies. Eventually we got closer and got some good pictures of the snow capped peaks. We arrived in Jackson around 3:30 MT (5:30 ET). After walking around a while we went to Gather for dinner. I got baby back ribs. They were delicious. After returning to the hotel briefly, we walked to the OARS meeting where we talked with other about our upcoming camping trip (days 10-14 I will not have a computer and will not be blogging. Days 10-15 will be covered in one post). The guide Blake was very kind and had a good sense of humor. After that we finished up journal and blogging, packed up and went to bed.

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Left to Right: Rocky hillside, Snow capped mountain, Grand Teton mountain (center)