Day 31 (7/15) - Newberg, Drive to Eugene, Eugene

After a relatively early wake up and breakfast we packed and got on the road to the coast. After 2 hours we stopped at Cannon Beach. We saw haystack rocks that were giant. After that we drove down along the coast, stopping along the way to take pictures. We got to Paciic City after trying to find a beach, and we finally succeeded. Ada and I waded in but some waves got up to our chests. The water was so cold, I couldn’t feel my feet in less than two minutes. We dried off and got on the road to Eugene. We arrived and hung around the hotel before going to meet up with Neil from the camping trip. He showed us around the University of Oregon where he went to school. Afterwards we went to dinner at McMenamins. It was delicious. After finishing up we had the best ice cream I ever had we said goodbye and went back to the motel and had went to bed around 10:00 pm MT (1:00 am ET).

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me a few yourself.

Left to Right: Tillamook Bay from beginning of a pier, looking over Pacific Ocean from scenic overlook, haystack rocks at Cannon Beach

Day 30 (7/13) - Newberg

We got up and took Ada to the doctor because she was feeling bad. She says they’re allergies. After that we went back and made a plan for the day. Today we went to LA, New York, Miami, Dallas, and Atlanta in 5 hours total. Just kidding, tricked ya there. We went to a winery called Stoller. It was really cool. Ada and I played frisbee golf. After that we went to a festival in McMinnville and walked around before getting ice cream. I got moose tracks, which is vanilla ice cream with chocolate covered peanut butter cups. It was delicious. After that we went to another winery called Brooks. That was also cool. After that we went to a market to get stuff for dinner before going back. Dinner was good before playing hearts. I got second because Dad shot the moon in the last hand and beat me. We finally went to bed around 9:30 PT (12:30 ET). Shout out to Carsten Macosko for attempting to Facetime me at 12:30 am PT (3:30 am ET).

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me a few yourself.

Left to right: Vineyards at Stoller Winery, Brooks’ Vineyards, and our charcuterie dinner.

Day 29 (7/12) - Packwood, Mount Rainier National Park, Drive to Newberg, Newberg

This morning we woke up at 7:30 to eat breakfast and pack before driving to Mount Rainier National Park. A lot of people think Mount Rainier is a normal 14,411 foot tall mountain. It’s not. It’s an active volcano that erupted last in 1894 and could erupt any day. If so, it could cause lahars that reach the Puget Sound, and flooding and post-lahar sedimentation zones just west of Seattle, 64 miles away. “A lahar is a violent type of mudflow or debris flow composed of a slurry of pyroclastic material, rocky debris and water. The material flows down from a volcano, typically along a river valley.” -Wikipedia. We did a hike on it that was 5.4 miles, and started almost straight up, along with various snow fields we had to cross. It was hard, but the views were amazing. From the tallest point, you could see Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens to the south in Washington, and Mt. Hood farther south, 88 miles west of Portland, Oregon. Going down was a lot faster than going up. For lunch we stopped at a diner in Elbe, Washington on the way to Newberg, Oregon. We arrived around 6:00. After snacking for dinner, we went to bed again.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me a few yourself.

Left to Right: Buck of the side of the path, view of mountains, Mt. Rainier, view of mountains with labels

Day 28 (7/11) - Victoria, Ferry to Seattle, Drive to Packwood, Packwood

We were finally able to sleep in today, for we didn’t have to board anything until 11:30 AM, when we got on our ferry to Seattle. Before that Dad and Ada went for a run. After that we went to breakfast at a restaurant called Mole. It was good. We boarded the Victoria Clipper V to get to Seattle. After the two and a half hour ride we drove to Packwood, Washington, outside Mount Rainier Natl Park. We hung around the hotel a little before going to a burger place for dinner. After that we went to a brewery before going back and going to bed after the usual blogging and journaling.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments if you leave me a few yourself.

Left to Right: Mountains over the Pacific, Seattle skyline from our boat.

Day 27 (7/10) - Vancouver, Whale-Watching Ferry to Victoria, Victoria

We got up early to catch our ferry to get to Victoria. We left Vancouver on Prince of Whales’ Salish Sea Dream around 8:30 AM. It was very foggy so we saw nothing until we made it to a spot south of Victoria. We saw a pod of killer whales (also known as orcas), hunting a porpoise. We saw them from a distance at first, but then they turned straight towards our boat, one even came up right against it. It was awesome. After arriving in Victoria we went to our hotel before going to lunch at a place called John’s Place. After that we walked around until it started raining. We went to dinner at the restaurant Ferris’. It was good. After blogging, journaling, showering, etc, we finally went to bed.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me a few yourself.

Video of killer whales hunting porpoise (cannot see porpoise).

Left to Right: The ferry we took, map of our ferry route, Orcas, bald eagles, seals

Day 26 (7/9) - Seattle, Train to Vancouver, Vancouver

We woke up at 6:00 this morning to eat breakfast and get to the train station. We made it and were on the train quickly, but we didn’t start moving for about 30 minutes. Once we started going, I started playing games on my tablet and others did too. We got to Vancouver at 11:45 AM and walked to our hotel. We walked to lunch at a Chinese restaurant called Dinesty. After eating we walked over and rented bikes. We rode around Stanley Park and got some good views of the ocean. I counted 12 tankers in the bay. After that we returned to the hotel and watched TV before getting oysters for dinner. They were delicious. After dinner we went back to the hotel for another early wake up the next day to get on the ferry to Victoria.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me a few yourself.

Left to Right: Tankers on the Burrard Inlet, Burrard Inlet, Cooks making dumplings, Strait of Georgia from our train

Day 25 (7/8) - Seattle

This morning I was finally able to sleep in. After finally waking up I at breakfast. Dad had gone on a run. We hung around until about 11:00 AM PT (2:00 PM ET). We walked to the post office before going to lunch. We ate at a restaurant called Shultzy’s Bar & Grill which is a German style place where they had really good sausages. After that we walked around the University of Washington main campus. It was cool. After that we took a bus to the Space Needle and walked around Seattle Center before ascending 604 feet to the observation deck in a speedy elevator (see video below). We walked around and at one point freaked out cause Ada disappeared. We found her. After that we went to the lower observation deck with a revolving glass door (it completed a full revolution every 45 minutes). The elevator was faster descending the 604 feet to the ground (see video below). After walking around we went back to the Airbnb. Dad and I threw baseball while Ada did field hockey practice at a elementary school. After dinner we finished watching the Return of the King, thus ending the Lord of the Rings series. After that we went to bed.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me a few yourself.

Ascending Elevator facing South

Descending elevator facing West

Left to Right: Our family in front of Puget Sound, Union Lake and suburbs from Observation Deck, Downtown from Obeservation Deck

Day 24 (7/7)- Seattle

This morning we had an early wake up to watch the Women’s World Cup Final between the USA and Netherlands. The US won 2-0. After watching that we took the bus into the city and ate lunch at a restaurant in downtown called Ben Paris. It was delicious. After that we went to the Pike Public Market. There were so many people. There was a fish market where they throw fish. It was cool. After we had some delicious donuts we went to the Ballard Locks where ships come in and out. It was really cool. We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant before watching more Return of the King before going to bed.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments if you leave me a few yourself.

Left to right: the Dam at Ballard Locks, Boats getting lined up in the lock, a Coast Guard boat going through the lock, and Salmon going up the fish ladder at the locks.

Day 23 (7/6) - Spokane, Drive to Seattle, Seattle

After an early wake up and breakfast Dad and I played golf. We played at the Creek at Qualchan. It was so fun but the course was so long for me. Afterwards we ate lunch and Mom and Ada walked around some gardens. Then we drove to Seattle. We arrived and hung around our Airbnb for a while before going to a seafood restaurant called Ivar’s Salmon House for dinner. It was delicious. Dad and I split a fried Northwest seafood platter. It was some of the best seafood ever. After that we started watching the the Return of the King, the last movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. After that we eventually went to bed.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me a few yourself.

From left to right: Seattle Skyline, Dad and I at the Creek at Qualchan golf course

Day 22 - Whitefish, Drive to Spokane, Spokane

After my last delicious breakfast in Big Sky Country, we drove to Spokane, Washington. Halfway through the 5 hour drive we stopped at Kootenai Falls in Montana. After we got to Spokane we hung around the hotel before walking to dinner at a place called SteamPlant Brewing. I got barbecue. It was so good. After dinner we walked to a carnival on the Spokane River and walked around there. I wasn’t feeling great so we went back to the hotel. We blogged and journaled and blah-blah-blah. Then Star Wars: Return of the Jedi came on and we started watching that. At about 10:45 PT (1:45 AM ET) we finally fell asleep after gaining another hour.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me a few yourself.

Left to Right: Lake Pend Orille, Kootenai Falls

Day 21 (7/4 4th of July) - Whitefish, Glacier Nat. Park

Today I had the same breakfast for the 3rd morning in a row. Afterwards we drove to Glacier again. Then we did a 10 mile hike. We couldn’t finish because there was a snow pack, but there were still amazing views. A bunch of idiots crossed the snow pack and kept going, even though the park rangers warned them not to. The hike back down went much quicker. After finishing we drove back to he hotel and hung around and ate Italian for dinner. Afterwards we walked to Sweet Peaks and got ice cream. The whole walk, fireworks were going off everywhere. Everybody in Whitefish seemed to have them, and it was the 4th of July, so it sounded like we were in a war zone. Eventually we went to bed around 11:00 PM MT (1:00 AM ET).

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me some yourself

Left to Right: Lake Josephine from the trail, A ground squirrel, Grinnell Lake, My daily waffle

Day 20 (7/3) - Whitefish, Glacier National Park

I had the same breakfast as yesterday this morning. Waffle with chocolate chips, whipped cream and syrup on it, a banana, and orange juice. It was delicious. I think that is gonna be my breakfast for our entire time in Whitefish. Shout out to Tyler Noland, my mom’s friend’s brother, who is co-owner of the Duck Inn & Lodge in Whitefish, for making awesome waffles. After breakfast we drove to Glacier National Park, our 4th of the trip. We drove on the Going to the Sun Road. It was amazing. The road was up on the sides of mountains. Then we went on a hike to Avalanche Lake which was a 4.5 mile round trip. Then we went back to the hotel and had pizza for dinner and then went to bed again.

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To Rahul Thapar: I will stop “pandering for comments” if you will leave me some yourself.

Left to Right: Creek in front of some mountains, Waterfall at the side of the road, View from Going to the Sun Road, Avalanche Creek, Avalanche Lake in front of mountains and waterfalls

Day 19 (7/2) - Whitefish

This morning we woke early and had a delicious breakfast. I got a waffle with chocolate chips, whipped cream, and syrup. After that Dad and I played round two of the Pacific Cup at a golf course called the Wilderness Club. We dubbed it The Wilderness Open. We had to play we to Canadians from Alberta that were really nice. I beat Dad 2 & 4 to tie the series at 1-1. After that we drove and walked around downtown a little bit before eating dinner at a restaurant called the Buffalo Cafe. I got mac n’ cheese. With sausage on it. It was huge but delicious. After dinner we caught up on journaling and blogging and went to bed.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you post a few yourself.

Left to Right: 9th green in front of lake and mountains, Dad and I in front of 18th green, 18th green in front of lake and mountains, Sticker I bought in Whitefish, Montana

Day 18 (7/1) - Bozeman, Drive to Whitefish, Whitefish

After breakfast in Bozeman we packed and left again. The landscape is different from farther east, but I’ve gotten used to it and spend most time doing stuff on my devices. We arrived in Whitefish around 4:00 MT (6:00 ET) and checked into our hotel. We had dinner at a place called Latitude 48. It was good. After blogging and journaling we went to bed to end this uneventful day and short boring blog post.

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To Rahul Thapar: I’ll stop “pandering for comments” if you leave me a few yourself

The Montana landscape

Day 17 (6/30) - Bozeman

This morning we had delicious breakfast tacos. After that we hung around the apartment for a little bit until Mom suggested rock climbing. We got there and I got a little nervous because I don’t like falling, but we got started and I was fine. In fifteen minutes I had already made it to the top of one. Eventually I made it to the top of one of the tallest walls. After a few hours there we went to Backcountry Burger Bar for lunch which was delicious. Afterwards we went to some fields and Ada did some field hockey while Dad and I threw baseball. Then we went back the climbing place for about an hour before going back to our Airbnb (which is like a house or apartment). We went to the Montana Ale Works for dinner before finishing watching the Two Towers. Then we went to bed like always.

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Left to Right: Ada and I climbing next to each other, Me at the top of a wall, Me at the top of a wall

Day 16 (6/29) - Driggs, Drive to Bozeman, Bozeman

We got up and had breakfast at our hotel before driving to Bozeman, Montana and stopped once for lunch. The restaurant was a Texas-Style BBQ place in West Yellowstone. It was really good. After getting to Bozeman we walked around downtown. It was a cool town. After making tacos for dinner we blogged and journaled before watching The Two Towers, the second movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. We didn’t finish it because it was too long. Then we went to bed after a very uneventful day. (All pictures were found on the web.)

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Left to Right: Aerial view of Driggs, Idaho, Buildings on Main Street, Bozeman, Montana

Days 10-15 - Camping Trip in Yellowstone Nat. Park and Jackson Lake (Grand Teton Nat. Park)

On day one of the camping trip we got up early to meet everyone else on the OARS trip to get on the bus. We got to Yellowstone and saw the West Thumb Geyser Basin which had lots of hot springs and mud pots. Then we saw the geyser Old Faithful, which was really cool to watch. We then walked to see the hot spring Grand Prismatic, but we couldn’t see it because of the steam. After a swim at our hotel pool we went to bed. Day 2 (also in Yellowstone) was like day 1. We saw Norris Geyser Basin and then saw Steamboat Geyser, the biggest in the world. It didn’t erupt, as it is extremely inconsistent. Then we went to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and saw the Lower Falls, the tallest waterfall in North America. Then we saw Dragon’s Mouth Spring and then went to our cabins. Day 3 we kayaked 7 miles in Jackson Lake, stopping once for lunch. We got to our first campsite at Grassy Island around 2:30 MT (4:30 ET) and set up tents. After dinner and dessert we went to bed. We kayaked to Bearpaw Bay on Day 4 and hiked before returning to Grassy island and camping again. Day 5 we kayaked to Spalding Bay and it was hard because there were big waves and we were going into the wind. After camping their we kayaked back to the boat ramp and drove to raft on the Snake River on Day 6, the final day. After rafting we drove to Driggs, Idaho to stay there for one night.

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Old Faithful erupting June 2019(It is not the one we saw, the file for my video was to big so I had to find one on YouTube, the pictures are all mine however.)

Left to Right: The Teton Mountains over Jackson Lake, My dad and I in front of Mt. Moran, Jackson Lake, Teton Mountains over Jackson Lake, Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, Thermal Pool, Thermal Pool, Thermal Pool

Day 9 (6/22) - Casper, Drive to Jackson, Jackson

The day started with breakfast, as usual. Afterwards we left again. This time moving towards a hump in our trip. The Rocky Mountains. About 3 hours into the 4 and a half hour drive we saw the Teton Mountains, part of the Rockies. Eventually we got closer and got some good pictures of the snow capped peaks. We arrived in Jackson around 3:30 MT (5:30 ET). After walking around a while we went to Gather for dinner. I got baby back ribs. They were delicious. After returning to the hotel briefly, we walked to the OARS meeting where we talked with other about our upcoming camping trip (days 10-14 I will not have a computer and will not be blogging. Days 10-15 will be covered in one post). The guide Blake was very kind and had a good sense of humor. After that we finished up journal and blogging, packed up and went to bed.

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Left to Right: Rocky hillside, Snow capped mountain, Grand Teton mountain (center)

Day 8 (6/21) - Mount Rushmore, Custer State Park, Drive to Casper, Casper

We got up this morning and packed up to leave again. Before heading out however, we played a game of pool. Kids Vs. Adults. The adults won in a close game. We started driving for Mount Rushmore and arrived about 6 minutes after leaving. It was smaller than I expected but was still awesome. In a building we saw a family sitting on a bench, all on their PHONES. ON THEIR PHONES AT A NATIONAL MEMORIAL. After leaving we went to Custer State Park. It was also cool. We did a wildlife loop and saw TONS of buffalo. After that we started driving to Casper, Wyoming. We’re staying at a hotel with 4 hot tubs and a big indoor pool. After dinner I finished this up before going to bed before 11:00 our time for the first time in almost a week.

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Left to Right: Me in front of Mount Rushmore, Mount Rushmore, Herd of Buffalo in Custer State Park, Burros (donkeys) in Custer State Park

Day 7 (6/20)-Badlands, Drive to Keystone, Keystone

We got the day started well, if you count getting everything packed and ready in less than 30 minutes. We drove the short distance to Badlands National Park, our first of seven on the trip. After driving around we started a ten mile hike. It was great, but the thing is, it’s South Dakota. AKA, a huge rock or big fields of grass everywhere you look. One more thing. RATTLESNAKES. We saw at least five signs saying, BEWARE: RATTLESNAKES. My mom thinks she heard one at the very end but we didn’t see any. After the park we went to Wall Drug, which is more like a mall than a drug store, and got delicious milkshakes. After the hour long drive to Keystone we went to dinner where I tried Buffalo for the first time. It was VERY good. After words we had to go to bed.

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Left to Right: Looking out over Badlands, Looking out over Badlands, Field in front of ridge, Me in front of big rock